
Thesis and Dissertation

Ph.D Thesis. Understanding and Supporting the Decision-making Whether to Use Grey Literature in Software Engineering Research, 2022. :paperclip:PDF [English]

M.Sc. Dissertation. Benefícios e Limitações das Metodologias Ágeis no Desenvolvimento de Software, 2012. :paperclip:PDF [Portuguese]

Articles and Papers


Marcos Nazário, Rodrigo Bonifácio, Cleidson de Souza, Fernando Kenji Kamei, Gustavo Pinto. “Strategies to Mitigate Configuration Differences in Software Development: A Rapid Review of Grey Literature”. Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development (JSERD), 2025.


Carolline Pena, Bruno Cartaxo, Igor Steinmacher, Deepika Badampudi, Deyvson Silva, Williby Ferreira, Adauto Almeida, Fernando Kamei, Sérgio Soares. Comparing the efficacy of Rapid Review with a Systematic Review in the Software Engineering Field. Journal of Software: Journal of Software: Evolution and Process (JSEP), 2024.


Alexandre Viana, Fernando Kenji Kamei, Kiev Gama, Carlos Zimmerle, João Alexandre Neto. A Grey Literature Review on Data Stream Processing Applications Testing. The Journal of Systems & Software (JSS), 2023.


:star: Fernando Kamei, Igor Wiese, Gustavo Pinto, Waldemar Neto, Márcio Ribeiro, Renata Souza, Sérgio Soares. Assessing the Credibility of Grey Literature: A Study with Brazilian Software Engineering Researchers. Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development (JSERD), 2022. :paperclip:Preprint [English]


:star: Fernando Kamei, Igor Wiese, Crescencio Lima, Ivanilton Polato, Vilmar Nepomuceno, Waldemar Ferreira, Márcio Ribeiro, Carolline Pena, Bruno Cartaxo, Gustavo Pinto, Sérgio Soares. Grey Literature in Software Engineering: A Critical Review. Information and Software Technology (IST), 2021. :paperclip:Preprint [English]

:star: Fernando Kamei, Gustavo Pinto, Igor Wiese, Márcio Ribeiro, Sérgio Soares. What Evidence We would Miss If We Do not Use Grey Literature?. In the 15th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2021), Bari, Italy, 2021. :paperclip:Preprint / :movie_camera:ESEM presentation [English] / :movie_camera:Live presentation [Portuguese]


:star: Fernando Kamei, Igor Wiese, Gustavo Pinto, Márcio Ribeiro, Sérgio Soares. On the Use of Grey Literature: A Survey with the Brazilian Software Engineering Research Community. In the 34th Brazilian Software Engineering Symposium (SBES 2020), Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, 2020. :paperclip:Preprint / :movie_camera:Video-Presentation [English] / :trophy:Best paper Award


Fernando Kamei, Gustavo Pinto, Sérgio Soares. The Use of Grey Literature Review as Evidence for Practitioners. In the 17th International Doctoral Symposium On Empirical Software Engineering (IDoESE 2019), Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brazil, 2019. Published at SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes 44, 3 (July 2019), 23 :paperclip:Preprint

Fernando Kamei, Gustavo Pinto, Sérgio Soares. The Use of Grey Literature Review as Evidence for Software Engineering. In the IX Workshop on Theses and Dissertations of CBSoft (WTDSoft 2019), Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, 2019. :paperclip:Preprint

Bruno Cartaxo, Gustavo Pinto, Fernando Kamei, Danilo Monteiro Ribeiro, Fabio Q. B. Da Silva, Sérgio Soares. How systematic reviews cover practitioners’ issues: A study on Stack Exchange communities. PeerJ PrePrints (not peer-reviewed), 2019. :paperclip:Preprint


:star: Fernando Kamei, Gustavo Pinto, Bruno Cartaxo, Alexandre Vasconcelos. On the Benefits/Limitations of Agile Software Development: An Interview Study with Brazilian Companies. In the 21st International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE 2017). Karlskrona, Sweden, 2017. :paperclip:Preprint

Bruno Cartaxo, Gustavo Pinto, Danilo Ribeiro, Fernando Kamei, Ronnie E. S. Santos, Sérgio Soares, Fabio Q. B. Da Silva. Using Q&A Websites as a Method for Assessing Systematic Reviews. In the 14th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2017). Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2017. :paperclip:Preprint


Melquizedequi Cabral dos Santos, Aline C. R. Marques, Alexandre Vasconcelos, Sandro R. B. Oliveira, Fernando K. Kamei, Andson da Silva Rodrigues, Deuzilene B. Santana. Modeling the Impact of Scrum and XP in the Satisfaction of Stakeholders based on Thematic Analysis: A Systematic Study. In the 13th International Conference on Information Systemas & Technology Management (CONTECSI 2016). São Paulo, Brazil, 2016. :paperclip:Preprint


Fernando Selleri Silva, Felipe Santana Furtado Soares, Angela Lima Peres, Ivanildo Monteiro de Azevedo, Ana Paula L.F. Vasconcelos, Fernando Kenji Kamei, Silvio Meira. Using CMMI together with agile software development: A systematic review. Information and Software Technology (IST), v. 58, p. 20-43, 2015. :paperclip:Preprint

Rodrigo Ferreira de Lira, Washington Ramon D. dos Santos, Jayne Késcia Gonçalo da Silva, Fernando Kenji Kamei. Além da Extensão: Resultados Preliminares do Ensino de Programação em uma Escola Pública Municipal de Alagoas. In the X Congresso Norte Nordeste de Pesquisa e Inovação (CONNEPI 2015). Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil, 2015. :paperclip:Preprint


Gustavo Pinto and Fernando Kamei. The Census of the Brazilian Open-Source Community. In the 10th International Conference of Open-Source Systems (OSS 2014), San Jose, Costa Rica, 2014. :paperclip:Preprint


:star: Gustavo Pinto and Fernando Kamei. What Programmers Say About Refactoring Tools? An Empirical Investigation of Stack Overflow. In the 6th International Workshop on Refactoring Tools (WRT 2013), Indianapolis, EUA, 2013. :paperclip:Preprint

Gustavo Pinto and Fernando Kamei. Analisando as Contribuições de Desenvolvedores Brasileiros em Projetos Distribuídos de Software Open-Source: Um Estudo Inicial. In the 7th Workshop on Distributed Software Development (WDDS 2013), at the 3rd Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft 2013), Brasilia, Brazil, 2013. :paperclip:Preprint


Fernando Kamei, Alexandre Vasconcelos. Valor de Negócio da Aplicabilidade das Metodologias Ágeis em Projetos de Desenvolvimento de Software. In the IX Workshop on Theses and Dissertations of Software Quality (WTDQS 2011), Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil, 2011. :paperclip:Preprint

Alex N. Borges Jínior, Fernando K. Kamei, Pablo R.C. Alves, Rodrigo G.C. Rocha, Ryan R. Azevedo, Silvio Meira. A Utilização de Práticas Scrum no Desenvolvimento de Software com Equipes Grandes e Distribuídas: um Relato de Experiência. In the 5th Workshop on Distributed Software Development (WDDS 2011), São Paulo, Brazil, 2011. :paperclip:Preprint

Fernando Kenji Kamei, Felipe Buarque Queiroz, Ricardo R.G. Nunes Filho, Alexandre J. Braga Silva, Marcílio F. de Souza Júnior. Scrum no serviço público: um relato de implantação nas Secretarias Estaduais da Fazenda e da Gestão Pública do Estado de Alagoas. In the VIII Simpósio de Excelência em Gestão e Tecnologia (SEGeT 2011), Resende, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2011. :paperclip:Preprint


Fernando Kenji Kamei, Fernanda Josirene M. Ferreira, Márcio Robério Costa Ferro. Vídeo-Monitoria: aumentando o desempenho dos alunos de programação. In the WTICG - BASE: Workshop de Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica e de Graduação Bahia - Alagoas - Sergipe (ERBASE 2010), Maceió, Brazil, 2010. :paperclip:Preprint


:star: Fernando Kenji Kamei, Jairo Barros Júnior, Felipe Prata Lima, Marcílio F. de Souza Júnior. Fatores (Des)Motivadores na Adoção de Metodologias Ágeis no Desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Informação. In the VIII Simpósio de Excelência em Gestão e Tecnologia (SEGeT 2009), Resende, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2009. :paperclip:Preprint

Joyse Hemilis Barbosa Rocha, Lucas L. B. Lima, Fernando Kenji Kamei. Uma Proposta para a Avaliação Tecno-Pedagógica do Moodle no Estado de Alagoas. In the IV Encontro de Pesquisa em Educação em Alagoas (EPEAL 2009), Macei&oacute, Alagoas, Brazil, 2009.

Jairo Barros Júnior, Fernando Kenji Kamei, Felipe Prata Lima, Marcílio Ferreira de Souza Júnior. Experiências com TDD: um relato de times de organizações públicas. In the II Encontro de Iniciação Científica (EIC 2009), Palmeira dos Índios, Alagoas, Brazil, 2009.

Ricardo Rubens, Hemilis Rocha, Fernanda Ferreira, Fernando Kamei. A importância de avaliar plataformas de educação à distância. Revista Digital Publicar, v. 2, ed. jan-jul, p. 89-99, 2009. :paperclip:Preprint

Books and Chapters

Fernando Kamei. Ensino, pesquisa e extensão em Institutos Federais no Nordeste do Brasil: Percepções, Experiências, Limites e Possibilidades. 1. ed. Maceió: GPICET / IFAL, 2016. 156p.

Fernando Kenji Kamei, Alexandre Vasconcelos, Fabio Q. B. da Silva. Introdução ao Gerenciamento Ágil de Projetos com o SCRUM. Book chapter published on the Proceedings of XI Escola Regional de Computação Bahia Alagoas Sergipe (ERBASE 2012), Juazeiro da Bahia, Bahia, Brasil, 2012.